Once in awhile, I feel this need to have alone time. In this alone time, I will spend time doing things for myself and probably for my own sanity. I think its important for us to love ourselves and spend time on ourselves before we can continue helping and being there for others. Too much giving takes a toll on you sometimes.
The things I do in my 'alone time':-
No matter what, or how alone I may want to be there is one thing I don't like to do alone.
The things I do in my 'alone time':-

- Take a long drive somewhere to clear my thoughts
- Have a long hot bath
- Watch movies at home or in the cinema
- Cook myself a good meal or bake a cake for my family
- Shopping in a supermarket or malls
- Personal grooming
No matter what, or how alone I may want to be there is one thing I don't like to do alone.
- Eat alone ( so I either don't eat or buy some food go somewhere to eat alone without people around)
I think most men will not have problems eating alone, but I know a few ladies as well who hate to eat alone.
When do I need alone time?
- When I am stressed out and need time to sort out problems
- When I need space or privacy to be emotional
- When I am just too too tired to even put on a smile or have a conversation
No matter how important the alone time is for me, there will always be a person or two who may be an exception that I always wish could be with me after awhile. They understand me well enough to know to be with me and make me feel better without me having to say anything. Some people just have a calming presence.
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