Whereas, overseas, consumer picks up a products which are made in their own country.The are proud buying products which are manufactured in their own country. Not only that, they know that it would contain less preservative and would be fresher.
I have studied alot of our customer's comments and pattern. Most of them believe that our product should be cheap like other industrial or generic ice creams. Why? because they are made in Sabah. Sometimes forgetting we are selling premium ice cream, equivalent to Haagen Daz quality and we are half the price of Haagen Daz. Why can't it be lower? Well because to produce premium ice cream, we use premium ingredients, most of it which has to be imported because they cannot be found in Malaysia, otherwise those that can be found, we would use because they simply would be fresher. So we pass you the savings in our products and local consumers get to consume very fresh premium ice cream instead of those that has been sitting in shelves for months.
Even before I was a producer of ice cream, I have valued local manufactured products for its freshness. I am not saying all manufactured products are better then imported ones though. Even I am willing to pay for a few ringgit more if I felt that the products were better in quality.
Pardon me for the long story. Imagine how delighted I was when I was walking in Giant Citymall supermarket a few weeks ago and saw Cheese that was locally made! What an achievement I thought. This company Langkah Syabas Sdn Bhd is currently making cheese on a small scale at Kinarut, under the brand name 'Kinarut Beach'. Cheese like yoghurt goes through a fermentation process, therefore I can't say how much fresher it is from an imported one, but then it is a homegrown product and we should all support it.
I bought their Camembert cheese just to try it out to compare to the other imported brand, President cheese. It is not too bad actually, a little salty. I wonder if they are using Frisien Cow Milk or just regular. It would make a difference. My only comment is on their packaging. Their Camembert and Brie is okay but their Feta Cheese were not looking so food anymore on the shelf. Probably can't blame them, its probably due to the refrigeration problems at Giant. However their cheese displayed at Merdeka supermarket were better.
Their cheeses are priced about 40% lower compared to imported ones which is quite reasonable I would say similar to our ice cream products. Although made locally, cheeses like artisanal premium ice cream require a degree of attention and is labour intensive. So I would like to say Kudos to the first Cheese producer in Sabah and perhaps Malaysia. Hope to see other cheeses maybe in the future. Perhaps, cheddar, mascarpone, mozarella, ricotta or blue cheese? Mmmmmmm.... delicious.
We should support local products more, instead of bringing in branded imported products that is highly priced due to currency exchange and import duites, we should be encouraging export of our local brands by supporting first our local brands.
support your idea 100%.
A few answers for you.
Yes they get their milk from Friesian Cows.
Yes they are going to make blue cheese and mozarella soon. :) yahooo...
And I loveeeeeeeee VEDABLU. I am a crazy fan of vedablu rum and raisin. I found out about your product when I was 5 months pregnant with my second son. Once bitten by your icecream bug. I never could say no to a scoop. I would get a scoop at least once a week. No wonder I put on so much weight. ITs price is good! No complaints from me.
I just brought my friend from Miri to try your icecream in Warisan two days ago. :) I should get a faithful customer card.. hahahah
I want to contact you. I am a Chemical Engineer who teaches food technology subject to my students. Your ice cream factory would be a interesting visit. Please email me rfmansa@ums.edu.my
I like your blog. I like what you do. I like your icecream. Keep it up.
Hi Doc Rogue,
Thank you for your comments and support of Vedablu Ice Creams. I will email you direct. Am sure we can arrange something.
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