Thursday, November 6, 2008

Latest Scoop on Me.....

Haven't posted anything up lately. For a month actually! Been doing a lot of catching up since returning from my study trip in Denmark for 5 1/2 weeks, then was in China, then back in town but somehow, it just takes time to settle things that has been piling up for months. It takes time to get back in sync with life and work too! Alot of things can change in 2 months.

As hectic as it was in Denmark somehow I really enjoyed my time there and would return again anytime... and sometimes would still close my eyes and wish I could teleport myself out of here to be stress free for just 5 mins.

So Obama won!! Yeah!! I went to work late just to watch the final results of the votes and to see the future President of America make his speech. He will start his duties on January 20th 2009. So I will think of him, on my birthday =)

End of the year is approaching fast, and it will get busy a week from now when school holiday starts. I will be in Brunei for a couple of days next week, and then from there on, I expect it to be non stop working till after NEW YEAR next year. I am also fretting about the thought of going christmas shopping. I really am bad at shopping, and never can figure out what to get my family and close friends.

I leave u with 2 pictures from my trip to Denmark. Picture 1: Me, team mate Yvonne and our host father Paul at one of the entrances of the Carlsberg Museum in Copenhagen. Picture 2: Me and a very old Bible from 1686, yes that Bible is 322 years old!

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