Friday, May 15, 2009

Finally its raining!

Its Raining!

It has been so hot and humid, I feel like I have been in a dizzy state daily. The weather makes it impossible to work efficiently. The frequent power cuts are certainly not helping. The only thing that keeps my spirits up is consuming some cooling Vedablu Ice Cream and looking forward to the climb up Mount Kinabalu this Monday. I told one of my colleagues a couple days ago just as a passing remark and they burst out in laughter. "I'm going to get to the summit and never come back down, until this humid weather passes". There is something about this hot and humid weather that affects people. People around me appear more grumpy and easily agitated. At a certain point this morning, I was also easily agitated, but now the rain has washed it all away.

On the upcoming Mount Kinabalu climb, I am truly excited about this climb, yet I feel a little bit nervous with the little preparation I made. I keep telling myself, as long as I do the climb slow and easy, I will make it! Well at least I have made an attempt to accomplish one more thing on my "things to do before I hit 30 list ". I hope that the weather will be clear on Monday and Tuesday.

1 comment:

desmond said...

good luck on ur mt kinabalu adventure..determination override everything...