I have been trying to recuperate for the past few days. Catching up on sleep, trying not to stress out at the same time, thinking, I can't sleep now 'coz I have lots of unsettled things to do. I keep listing them down in my daily planner. Sadly I never can finish them. Then I tell myself to breathe...
So many things happen in a day for me. I wish I could like state every little detail here so this blog will really be about my journey. Because I've missed many of my chances of writing the little 'beautiful' details that always happen. Would like to share some of the little joys that happen daily in my life.

Like this quick snapshot I took on my flight to Tawau several months back that I meant to post up but never did. Glorious clear sight of Mount Kinabalu. We were passing over the mountain so fast, barely had time to adjust the camera settings. I just snapped.
Then, in last few weeks back, I taught my staff to be more diligent in our ice cream pan display decorations. I believe we first feast with our eyes then our mouths. Although pan re-decorations can only be done during the not so busy times. On weekends,for the busier outlets, not practical to be doing re-decorations all the time, because staff are too busy serving customers to even have the time to re-decorate the ice cream pans.

On one particular day I walked into the City Mall Vedablu outlet and was happy with what I saw. Beautiful ice cream pan decorations =)Little things like this make my day.

Today I dedicated my day to cleaning the clutter on my desk. The picture is only half the clutter I had on my desk. I think seeing the clutter on my desk and not having the time to clear them adds to the negative energy I am feeling. Seeing my desk clean and my room tidy now really does lower down my stress and anxiety levels. Haha. Psychology...
Another task which I have been trying to get done is to get online to purchase a new laptop, taking advantage of the 12 months 0% interest. Plus, after reluctantly having to pay extra income tax this year, I have given myself a justification to get myself a brand new lap top so that for YA2008 I can claim the extra RM3000 deduction. I think I have an emotional attachment to my current lap top. Its the very heavy 15.4" Travelmate 430. Bought it back in 2003. Its nearly 5 years old now. Didn't realize it was that old. Well its Pentium 4. Only that the graphics card can't play the latest games. I upgraded the Ram to 768MB. However, this laptop is falling to pieces slowly. Half of the letters on the keyboards are gone, the bluetooth receiver is kaput, the internal wifi receiver is spoilt (so I am using a wifi card inserted to the PCI bus), the batteries are dead (no more in production), and the direct receiver for the Network Cable is spoilt. The funny thing is that after a year not being able to connect to the internet from my my lap top in my home (because I don't have a wireless router) I remembered I had this external ethernet PCI card which had that network cable receiver. My old lap top before this one, had no network cable receiver and I have to purchase this external ethernet PCI card in Australia. So I ran up to my room, rummaged through my old box and found it! This really made my day. Now I can go online in my home without a wireless router!Amazing stuff... was sharing my excitement this story over MSN Messenger to a friend and he said I was so 'sot' or silly. Little things really make me happy. High time today anyways as I was not in a good mood today. Feel sick actually.

Anyway, I have thought alot of what lap top to get and after being a loyal user of Acer notebooks, I shall make my switch to the Dell XPS lap top. Wanted to get the one with the gaming specs but alas, pulling myself out of dream land and putting myself into the right frame of mine, I decided to go with what a lap top should be for me now at this point of time in my life. Lightweight and good performance.Wanted to get the XPS1530, and was reminded by my friend that will not be any different from my current lap top. It will still be heavy. So, I am settling for the XPS1330, with a processor speed upgrade and a graphic card upgrade. I must at least be able to play the games I wanna play on this new machine. Dell does not give option to upgrade the machine to a graphics card higher then the Nvidea GEForce 8400M for this model. Why...?? To solve the problem of playing my games (if I ever find the time to play) on a small screen, I will plug the new machine to a existing LCD screen. Sad thing was, Dell was having this RM300 rebate for purchases RM4000 above. I missed the boat! Darn... so today after contemplating, I will wait for another week to purchase this new machine. They have rebates every month or so. RM300... could buy me a spa package~~ Very kiasu but its not that I need the machine immediately.
Ok... I will continue part 2 of 'a little of everything'(ALOE) another day. Too long read for a blog entry if I post too many little things in one entry.
For now, good night!