Standing behind our Ice Cream Display Counters sometimes, I always get this common question. "How come Vedablu doesn't make zero calorie ice cream?" "I'm diabetic, what can I take?".
Let me address these questions here. No. 1 Our tagline is "fresh and natural". No. 2 I could easily produce zero calorie ice cream and put it out in the market tomorrow but I prefer not to do it because we want to honour our No. 1 rule (fresh and natural).
How to make zero calorie ice cream? Easy, replace current cane sugar in ice cream with artificial sugars. Why do Vedablu 'stubbornly' do not do this? Simply because the artificial sugars currently available in the market are aspartame or sucralose. A good web link to the side effects of these artificial sweeteners can be found here.So there it is, on one hand we can have zero calorie product but risk all the side effects mentioned. I have got some views saying that, it is the consumer who decides about their health, if they want to take aspartame, just make the product they want and give it to them. However to me, it just doesn't seem right.
Nevertheless, that does not mean that I will stop at my quest in introducing Vedablu Ice Cream with Zero Calories. Just recently, doing some research, I found an interesting sugar alternative which is all natural. It comes from the leaves of the stevia rebaudiana plant. It is funny that I never heard about this natural sugar replacement until a friend of mine mentioned about it. Then I further heard that this plant was planted vastly in Indonesia. This natural sugar alternative which originates from Paraguay has been apparently used for centuries with no known side effects. Infact it even has some additional health benefits. Read about the company in Malaysia mass manufacturing stevia here. I was so excited that I decided to blog about it here. Although I am not diabetic or on a low carbs diet, I know how hard it is to resist something sweet sometimes.

I shall continue to do further research on Stevia and do some product developments using this natural sugar alternative. If using Stevia in its natural state does not affect the quality and tastes of our products, who knows? Soon we shall introduce to you a few new sugar free ice cream and sorbet flavours.
If it works, I'll buy 10 galloons of it.
What wouldn't I do for extremely low calorie ice cream? I don't know.
No idea if you'll read this or not, but - how would you get rid of the calories from the milk, so that the ice cream has zero calories? Are you using a milk subsitute?
No matter what you used to replace the sugar, if it was ice cream it still wouldn't be "zero calorie."
What are you thinking?
Boar_d_laze & J. Martin,
To my knowledge, there is absolutely no way to produce ice cream without a trace of calorie (literally zero calorie count) in it if we are using fresh milk but only substitute sugar (sucrose). Also to add, this feedback is given in relation to making ice cream with all natural ingredients. In my blog entry, I mentioned substituting sugar because sugar makes the bulk of the calorie count in a single serving of ice cream. If and when a company claims their products are "zero calories" it must meet the minimum food label claims & guidelines of the country they are retailing the products in.
In the US (if I am not wrong) to claim your product has zero calories, the guildeline is that there shall not be more than 5 calories per serving. For zero sugars, there should not be more than 0.5grams per serving.
So therefore, one can make a zero calorie product and market it as zero calorie if they are able to meet their local food authority requirements and guidelines.
Hope this clarifies my blog entry.
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