Well since this blog is new, I haven't had people or customers asking me questions here but they often ask me personally or ask my outlet staff from time to time the questions below. Its been interesting to read about Vedablu Reviews also on other blogs. I honestly appreciate these reviews and comments.
Ice cream for me is just not ice cream but I think generally we Malaysians have not adopted the 'Ice Cream Culture' yet although I know some of you have =) Most of us though who enjoy ice cream will know the difference between industrial ice cream and premium or super premium ice cream. However for those who don't will immediately recognize the difference on their first taste. I will attempt to address or answer 2-3 of these questions in the simplest manner in every post I have on "FAQ on Vedablu".
Question 1: Is Vedablu imported ice cream brought in on Franchise?
No. Vedablu Premium Ice cream is manufactured in KK daily and sent to our 5 outlets on a daily basis. This way we can deliver to you only the freshest ice cream and not ice cream which are 6 months to 2 years old. We manufacture them in small batches at our factory with imported italian machines. Only italian machines can deliver low overrun (in lay man terms overrun is % of air) ice cream.
We developed the Vedablu brand ourselves (also which is being trademarked) and each outlet has the same concept of colours and design.
Question 2: Why so expensive if made locally?
At RM5.60 per scoop (100-120g) it would seem that we are expensive compared to other industrial ice cream. Examples of industrial ice cream are for those that sell at RM6.50-12.00 per litre in all supermarkets. Vedablu however is a premium ice cream. We do not use artificial flavours, colouring and preservatives. As an Example, our Strawberry ice cream is made with real strawberries imported from France. There is no colouring to make it look bright pink. So point number one, our cost of making our ice cream is higher because we use all natural ingredients and most of them are imported. Point number2, our ice cream is more solid then industrial ice cream. Of which industrial ice creams contain 80% - 120% overrun (percentage of air whipped into ice cream to create volume), ours stands at 25% to 35%. So you are actually consuming more solids as compared to air. Point number 3, although we are made locally all our machines are imported to manufacture you the type of quality you are getting. Our total investment of just one set of machine could easily buy you a semi detach house in KK. We have 3 sets of machines to maintain.
Given the 3 points above we are still not as expensive as compared to the imported premium ice creams available at our supermarkets. For one scoop of ice cream (100g) you pay half the price and still get fresh, creamy and all-natural premium ice cream. Can you ask for more then that?